THE BRITISH RAJ TO BIRMINGHAM: FROM HARDSHIP TO SUCCESS is unlike any other entrepreneur books, this eye-opening success guide for entrepreneurs takes a historical approach to offer you a guide for success in the 21st century. By taking a stroll down history avenue, you will be able to:
- Step Into The World Of The British Raj Throughout History
- Understand Why The British Raj Could Not Succeed
- Conceptualize The Political, Social, and Religious Reasons Behind The Partition
- Crush Common Misconceptions About British India
- Embrace Your Own Family’s Journey From Hardship To Success
- Stop Using Excuses And Focus On How You Can Turn Your Life Around
- Succeed In Your Life By Finding Inspiration & Motivation In Abz’s Story

What Makes This Self-Development Book So Special?
While other entrepreneurship books, self-help books, and motivational books only offer you theoretical advice on how to improve your life, Abz has decided to take more practical approach. His thought-provoking journey from the Indian subcontinent to the West Midlands will help you understand how real-life people have dealt with real-life problems and found real-life success. Check out following link to know about THE BRITISH RAJ TO BIRMINGHAM.
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