The Formula for Success

Sadly, most people do not know the Formula for Success and my talk is based on the journey of my life. You will travel with me along a road full of ups and downs, highs and lows, expectations, disappointments, wins, losses and seemingly, always another twist or turn before things fall into place and the rainbow’s end is there at my feet. I hope to inspire people from all walks of life, illustrating that success IS achievable. In my talk there will be guidance, information, audience participation, Q&A and above all, humour and the ‘feel-good-factor’.
Eye of the Tiger

First, let me explain what this talk’s title “Eye of the Tiger” means. When you set your goal on something that you really want and then you go out to get it like a tiger would go after its prey, with relentless determination – that’s The Eye of the Tiger!
No matter who you are, where you are from or what age you are, there may be something in your heart, mind and soul that you want so badly…… but SOMETHING IS HOLDING YOU BACK.
Why don’t you let go of your apprehensions and fears so that you can set yourself free to achieve your goal?’ Learn how to gain this freedom for yourself and take advantage of the fact that you don’t have to do this alone, you can invite the people who are close to you and those that you love to share your journey and allow them to help, encourage and support you along the way.
It is all about learning to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF, accepting the person you are and then relaxing into your journey so that you can enjoy the ride and see the amazing places where it will take you.
What people say about my talks

Hand written testimony from Joy Corbett of Hagley Village Ladies, Worcestershire – February 2020.